Thank you everyone who pledged for my DraxOwl Whispers Deck. For those who missed the campaign, but would like to still get a deck – I have enabled late pledges on Kickstarter which means you can go directly to the campaign and pledge until I start shipping which will be in June/July.
Hi everyone!
As promised, here is the link for the relaunch of the DraXowl Whispers Tarot Deck! I have made a few design changes to the deck and the rewards. Instead of a Little White Book, I am including a digital link to the full guidebook with each deck. Another reward that I have added is a vinyl Symbols Chart (24″ x 36″) – * preview below.
To give a thank you for those of you who pledge this time around, I am opening the first 48 hours after launch with a special pledge amount of $25.00 per deck. The digital Guidebook link along with a digital link to the Symbols Chart will be included. After the initial launch period, the pledge per deck will be $30.00 per deck and the Symbols Chart Digital link will only be offered in add-ons. Physical copies of both will also be available in add-ons throughout the campaign. Launch date is set for January 14 and the campaign will run for 30 days.
I hope to see you there!
Transparent Owl